Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, as we are the Church of the living God of heaven, who is uniquely from all other gods, the God of triunity. Our God is a God of unity, and God the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of unity, lives in each of us who believe. In Christ Jesus, we can have differing views when it comes to secondary doctrinal issues. When the rapture takes place is one of these areas where choose to stand on the unity of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit alive in me and in my brothers and sisters the family of God who take a different view than I do. So, in what I am about to share, first, guard your heart against seeing an enemy, see first a brother in Jesus Christ who wants God to be glorified above all and us His children to walk in the unity that Jesus Christ prayed to the Father for when He walked this earth. And I have no doubt that Jesus 2000 years later still desires from us, God's Children, the same unity.
As we see things unfolding on the world stage these last several months and even more these last several days, I have noticed many Christians have become vocal about Jesus' return and the rapture occurring soon. Hey, I hope it does, but I do see a danger in claiming that the bible teaches CLEARLY, that the rapture will happen before the man of lawlessness is revealed. See, that's the issue I think we need to discuss, the idea that the Bible teaches CLEARLY this idea. The Word of God does not teach this idea as clearly as many claim. I know that so many go to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 and claim it is so clearly stated that the antichrist will not be revealed until the church is raptured from the earth.
Let's take a moment to consider these things. Let us make sure we test our hearts so that we are looking to see and open to see, what God's plan is and what He is doing. Let us guard our hearts and minds from thinking God has to do things the way we think He should from our own interpretation of His Holy Word.
I pray this video message is helpful and encouraging for you in this time.