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Thoughts From The Pastor - Marriage Problems? Wife, Are You Submitting To Your Husband?

Updated: Sep 17

Okay, yeah, that's a clickbait title for sure. But it got you here, and if you are having marriage problems, you need to listen to this thought from the pastor. This truth and challenge is taken directly from Ephesians 5 and is for husbands as much as for wives. So, often, we find ourselves going through hard times and seeming struggle and attacks from within. Within our own hearts, within our own marriages and within our own churches, why? Our battle is supposed to be from without. Our battles should be from the spiritual forces of darkness around us; our battles should not be with each other, in our marriages, in our families, or in our churches.

So often, when we seem to be fighting the battle from within and see that something is at work trying to rip us apart. Our marriages apart, our families apart, our churches apart. It is because we have given darkness a foothold in these areas by choosing to trust in our own thinking or in the thinking of the world and not trusting and walking in God's truth and His design for these areas of our lives. When we trust our own ways and thinking or the ways and thinking of the culture around us that seem to fit what we want or like better and not God's ways, we allow a foothold for evil and self to begin destroying what is good.

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