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The Purposes Of Our Hearts Are Deep Waters...

We are talking about the need for us to seek out insight into our thinking and ways. Our actions and reasons for doing what we do are often hidden even to us. It takes effort to understand what we do and why we do it. It takes intentionality and humility to really understand the depth of our heart's purposes. Thank God for His grace.

Do Note that in this video, I don’t agree with everything she shares. Really, there is much I disagree with, but I believe there is great value in learning in this area. I think there are dangers of taking this to far and seeing an abuser in everyone who simply disagrees with you and is not willing to go along with what you think. I also believe there is danger here of finding abusers under every rock when the truth is we get in fights and disagreements with others. That is life. We will never do everything right all the time. We are still sinners who are saved by grace.

But there is also great value in this because I believe it helps us to evaluate our own thoughts, actions and systems we use to navigate life. I believe the greatest value in learning and watching this stuff is for self-examination. Prayerfully examine your own actions and your heart's true purposes and desires in doing what you do and doing it the way you do it when it comes to personal relationships and conflicts. Don’t try to see abusers of everyone else but notice when some of your actions are likely causing hurt and pain in the people around you.

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