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So? What Has He Done In Your Last Year?

Marry after Christmas and a happy new year to you! So, we just celebrated Jesus’ coming and we know that He is still with us through the presence of the Holy Spirit in us who believe. And now we look to the new year. But before we do... we should ask ourselves, “What has God done for us in this last year?” And not just what has God done for me but what has me shown me? What has He thought me? What has He changed in me or has pointed to that needs to change in me? What has God done?

Think about it, if you were to ask your believing family and close friends, what has God been doing for them in terms of blessing them and giving them good things despite all this year had to offer. Would you not expect them to have an answer? Of course. And why? Because God is a good God who is constantly giving good things and blessings even in hard times. You would also expect them to have something to say about what God is teaching them. Why? Because God is a revealing God, a teaching God, an eliminating God. And so if people are spending time with Him they WILL be learning about Him or themselves in relation to Him or they will be learning about His truth. That is just what happens when we spending time with God, we grow, we learn, we change. Often it is He who is doing the work in us but we need to be open to learning and open to letting go of ourselves and letting Him work. Right?!

So if we half expect others to have an answer to what God is doing, blessing, teaching them in their lives we should have a clear understanding as to what He is doing in our lives.

So this is your challenge this week. Take some time with God and think about what He has blessed you with this last year. Also, consider what He has shown you and what He has and is teaching you about Himself and what He has and is showing you about yourself.

Once you have a somewhat clear answer, go ask two of three people the same questions and share with them what God has done for you this last year. More often than not in the early Church, the gospel was shared simply by people filled with the Holy Spirit and who loved Jesus just like you and me simply telling others about the good things God had done and was going. Learning happened in the church when people shared what they were learning from God with others and with those they were discipling.

God is always near, have a great God-focused week. And share with others the things God is taught, showed, and blessed you with this last year.

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