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Saved then and saved today only by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ

When we first come to Jesus, we believe we can only be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; we recognize our inability to save ourselves. But as we live for God in Jesus Christ and the years pass, we can begin to think we are doing well for Jesus and begin to believe we are somehow more saved or in part that we are saving ourselves. The longer we are Christians, the more we can start to think that what a good Christian looks like and acts like is how we look and act. Over time as we walk with Jesus we learn to serve Jesus better and learn much more about Him and His Word, and because of this, we start to think that others who are saved by Jesus should look like and act like us. But the truth is no matter how "Christian" I am, no matter how much I know about Jesus and theology and how long I have gone to Church, no matter how much I do for the Lord, I am still only saved by God's grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.

As I get more mature in Christ, that does not mean I become more saved. Nor does it mean I lose salvation points, so to speak, when I fail to walk with the Lord as I should. But when I realize I have been failing, I need to confess my sin and remember that I am saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Then in my freedom in Jesus Christ, I set my heart towards His will and way and follow His leading. Amen. Our God is good.

Give the video a watch. I pray it is a blessing and encouragement.

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