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Only God Restores The Soul

We all know Psalms 23. It’s the pome in the bible that David wrote. It starts, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. You likely have heard it before. But verse three stuck out to me this morning. It reads, “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” It was the first part that struck me today. He restores my soul. See, God does this today through the person and work of Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit alive in us.

But doesn’t that sound good? He restores my soul.

How are you doing today in your soul? How are you doing in the deepest parts of you? How are you in your deeper feelings, deeper thinking, in your soul? Is the thought of being restored, refreshed, finding newness and light and hope in your soul sound like something you could use? It does for me.

See, only God truly restores; only God can truly restore my soul and your soul. And I believe whether you know Jesus or not, God, through the person of Jesus Christ, is willing and wanting to be at work restoring our souls.

So today, if your soul is longing for refreshing, life, light, hope, peace, newness, and restoration, then I would suggest you turn to Psalms 23 and just read that passage and take some time to rest on verse 3. He restores my soul. Then pray, and ask God to begin a work in you towards restoring your soul.

I know that God is good and that He hears our prayers. I don’t know, however, the path that God will lead you on towards His work of restoring your soul, but I pray as He does lead, you to follow. Because for all of us, whether we know Jesus and understand much, or we know very little, it is only God who restores the soul. So, let us be in prayer, talking to Him, seeking Him and humbly asking Him to do that in us.

If you are not accustomed to praying, don’t worry about it, God knows that and doesn’t care about how perfect our prayers are. He just wants to have you share and talk with Him honestly about where you are at and how your soul is doing. Just be honest with Him. Maybe your prayer could go something like this, “God, I know I don’t really know you or about Jesus all that much, but I long for my soul to be restored, I long to find newness of hope, and life, and love inside me. And This bible verse here in Psalms says you can do that. God in the name of Jesus, I ask you to begin a work in me towards restoring my soul. I pray that you show me, teach me, and lead me in the direction that I need to go so that this can happen in me. I long to know what it is to be restored, and feel restored, and have my soul restored. I am open to your leading, and help me be courageous to follow and learn what this all means. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.”

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