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Like A Thief in The Night... I Hope Not For You.

So this is what I am going to do. I'm going to post my thoughts from the paster first and then post a couple of other videos under the post if you are interested in watching more on the eschatology, which means end times, the return of Jesus stuff.

Now to be clear, I am not saying that the news video is an answer to a direct prophecy; it is just an interesting turn of events that we must be keeping watch of. Also, to be clear, I don't agree with everything shared in the second video, "The Coming Convergence," though it does have a lot of good stuff in it. It is worth a watch. However, to be clear, I feel they misrepresent scripture in a couple of spots. Maybe one day, I will do a post clarifying some of the areas I think they step outside the scope of scripture and speculate with too much certainty. If you are interested in something like that, leave a short message letting me know.

Here is this week's Thoughts From the Pastor.

Here is the news video that sparked this focus for this week

Here is an eschatology (end-times) video that is pretty good. But like anything, one must go to the Word of God and study it carefully to clarify their understanding of truth and what is overstated speculation.

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