Ahhh, a new day that God has made. No matter where you are at right now, stop, look around you, look out a window. Take a deep breath in and consciously think about and remind yourself, God made this day. He is real. You are not alone on this day if you trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord. Just think for a moment on the truth, that Jesus is YOUR Lord of THIS very day.
We forget this often, but because we believe in Jesus, we have been given the Holy Spirit who's one major role is sealing us to and in Jesus Christ. We are not alone. In part, the God of this universe lives in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
But we must be consciously aware of the Holy Spirit in us. We are in a relationship with Him. Here listen to this...
Galatians 5:16-17... So I say, walk by the Holy Spirit (meaning walk beside Him, walk with Him, listen and be consciously aware of Him and be engaged in asking Him for help and guidance moment by moment) walk by the Holy Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (meaning you will not live to simply give yourself the desires that your flesh and human nature want, mostly referring to self focus, wanting and living for earthly pleasures). For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit, what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want."
So that you, meaning me and you, don't just do whatever we want. That is key. So how is your day going? Are you keeping in mind that you are not alone and that your natural bent will be to do and say simply whatever you want? Are you living today, simply doing whatever you want? Or are you keeping in step and walking today with the Holy Spirit, and by the strength He gives putting to death, your 'just doing whatever you want' moments? Guys, when we live in this mindset keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, living with the Holy Spirit in mind and heart moment to moments, we will begin more and more to live out His fruits... which Galatians 5:22 tell us are... 'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control...' That is how we are to live this day. We who are in Christ Jesus are not alone. And Yes, we fail at this all the time, and we are forgiven in Jesus Christ, but let us strive to walk in step and live these days more and more in the truth that the Holy Spirit of God lives in us today. Put to death the 'just doing what I want' moments today and walk with the Holy Spirit as He focuses our thoughts and attention on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and as He pours out His fruit into our lives.
Yes, we will not be able to do whatever we want. But doesn't love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control sound like it would result in a much better today?