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Foolishness or Greatest Treasure

As I as listening to this incredible song posted on facebook called An Easter Hallelujah, song by Cassandra and her older sister Callahan Star, it hit me now amasing of a treasure is this message of the cross. Yet, at the same time I get how it is hard to truly tell someone, share with someone the reality of this treasure. No, I don't mean its hard because I fear sharing, there are times fear holds me back, but I mean more that I understand that it does seem like foolishness to those who have never truly met Jesus personally. And even that very sentence and idea, "Met Jesus personally" I get can not easily be understood by any who has not experienced Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:18 reads...

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

And truly the power of God unto salvation and freedom for us who know Jesus. I think about Job who wrote after going through some crazy hard times allowed by God. He said in Job 42:5-6...

"My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."

I think many today have heard about Jesus, and some even like Job aim to follow Him and do what is right, but without truly seeing Him, meeting Him in person I would have to say I would agree the Easter Message must seem like foolishness. And this cross thing, and idea that we are sinners and that God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sin and somehow if we just believe that Jesus did die and rose again for our sin and that He is Lord and Saviour, somehow that frees me from all my sin and the things that I have done wrong????? What? How?

I get it, it does seem like foolishness for most who pride themselves in logical thought and base the majority of their life choices and decisions on substanchale personal evidence and experience. But I have met Jesus. And I turned to Him by faith, by simply saying "Okay JEsus if you are real please save me and forgive me of my sin. Please come into my life and bring me hope, freedom, peace, grace, love and purpose." And He did and He does, and as I intentionally aim to draw closer to Him through prayer, and reading the bible and spending time with other Christians in Jesus focused purposes... I can't explain it but He is real, He does do and bring into life the things that He promises. Their is freedom in Jesus.

And I realize that I can only share this most incredible message of Easter, pray for the people around me and show them the love of Jesus in my actions and words. I can't do more... but I also can't do less because Jesus' love compels me.

I see the difference all that time between people fighting to be right and to prove their self determined higher intellect is truly higher. I see when people fight for their views and positions on things like religion, life purposes and their perspectives and influencing philosophies on reality, but do it to somehow approve their own thinking and prove their own chosen self identities. Or more simply put, they aim to prove to be what they want others to see them as. You can tell when someone is fighting to be right as apposed to those who share because they are compelled by true love and hope for the other to find something more, something better.

I get it the message of Easter is foolishness to those who have not found, nor truly met Jesus. But its not. Jesus is real, and He is alive. And I encourage you if you have not met Him listen carefully to the message of Easter. Don't fight for what you think is right, look for what could be possible, look for what more there could be that you have not yet experienced. Let go of yourself for a moment and be willing to ask the questions, is there more? And if your ready Genuinely ask, in your head or even say it out loud "Jesus, I admit, I don't know everything in this existence, if you are real please I humbly ask as one who you created, show me that you are real and alive in some way that I will know this Easter. Amen?"

I pray foolishness becomes the most incredible gift from God to you this Easter.

Here is the song I was listening to that brought me to these thoughts. May God bless you richly this Easter. Jesus is Alive and is Lord and Saviour.

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