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We as Disciples of Jesus Christ are called to be engaged in 3 core things...

We are called to be




If we look at these three core attributes of a disciple we begin to see all over the New testament and even Old Testament that we are called to these as God's people and as followers and disciples of Jesus Christ.

As we are called to disciple others, we recognize that they are disciples who are needing to learn, apply and when they are ready reproduce. Their need to learn about Jesus means we need to teach them about Him, His gospel, His Spirit and His truth. As appliers we need to help them live out, and apply what they have learned. As we then aim to disciple others we basically help them work out the learning as they aim to apply it, and in love and grace help keep them accountable. When they are ready, we show them how to pass on and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.

I did the Thoughts From The Pastor in audio again this week, so its easy to listen on the go. . I pray its a blessing. Just click the play button below.,

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