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Christian Live Today Consciously Aware Of The Truth That You Walk In Jesus Christ.

See today no matter what is going on around me, I can walk in the truth that Jesus Christ is with me and by faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of God lives within me. Now often I believe we forget this truth because we are not aiming to be consciously aware of these truths daily. We believe in JEsus, yes, we even understand that He is Lord and master of our lives and we are to live seeking His will and way by the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit. In John 15:4 Jesus tells us that if we abide in Him, or remain in Him, He will remain in us. In Galatians 5:16-26 we are called to live by the Sprit and to keep in step with the Spirit. The aim of these passages is to call us into conscious recognition of God's presence in JEsus Christ through the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Following Jesus is not just doing some Christian things throughout the week, its about consciously being aware and aiming to know and understand Jesus' will, way and presence in our lives each moment. And Jesus leads us day by day, through the Holy Spirit of God, the Word of God and the People of God who are filled with God's Holy Spirit. These truths can be believed generally, but often forgot practically in day. Walking daily with Jesus is about not just having a set of beliefs we fall back on during Church or when someone asks us to tell us what we believe. No, these truths, about walking daily with Jesus are truths that shape our conscious choices, decisions, beliefs, feelings and daily actions because we daily, moment to moment consciously are aware of God's presence in our life.

When I am living each moment consciously aware of the reality of Jesus' presence with me because the Holy Spirit lives in me, no matter what is taking place around me, I can live with out fear. I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and its gospel, which means good news, because it means Jesus is with me.

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