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A Short Encouragement to go and Encourage. (Heb 10:19-25)

Yes, we are called to encourage each other in Christ toward love and good deeds. This encouragement passage starts with first going to God in prayer and in confidence, drawing near to Him. Let's first start there today. Then, as you draw near to Him we know and trust He is a forgiving and merciful God, and by faith, we have full assurance that in Jesus Christ, our hearts are cleansed by His work on the cross. We stand in God's presence clean in Christ Jesus. Then from there, as we hold unwaveringly or unswervingly to the hope we profess in the gospel of Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ Himself, let us be intentional about encouraging our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ today towards Jesus and towards living out his love and good deeds.

Who are you planning on encouraging in Jesus Christ today?

Let us not just read the Word but be doers of the Word in Jesus Christ as we walk in obedience to Jesus Christ.

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